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Understanding the Difference Between Fluid Ounces and
Net Weight Ounces

When formulating or shopping for ingredients, you will sometimes work with volumetric measurements (i.e. milliliters, fluid ounces and gallons). At other times, you will work with net weight measurements (i.e. pounds, net weight ounces and grams).

Working with ingredients measured in ounces can be confusing because measurements denoted in ounces can apply to either volumetric or net weight measurements.

When an ingredient is specified by volume, it should be listed with the designation fluid ounces or an abbreviation like "fl. oz." When an ingredient is specified by weight, it should be listed with a designation like net weight ounces, "net wt. oz," or "wt oz."

From Nature With Love generally designates its ingredients sold by volume with the abbreviation "fl oz." Products sold by weight are generally designated with the abbreviation "wt oz."

Aren't Liquids Always Measured in Fluid Ounces and Aren't Dry Goods Always Measured By Weight?

Not always. Liquids such as fixed oils and essential oils are sometimes measured by weight. Some dry goods, such as salts, sugars and herbs, are measured by volume such as 1 cup (8 fluid ounces).

One Fluid Ounce of an Ingredient is Not Equivalent to One Net Weight Ounce of the Same Ingredient

To ensure that you replicate a formulation or recipe accurately, it's important not to confuse fluid ounces with ounces denoted by weight (net weight ounces). For example: we sell our Lavender Buds by net weight. 8 wt. ounces of our Lavender Buds is much greater in quantity in comparison to the total quantity when using a measuring cup and filling it with 8 fl. ounces our Lavender Buds.

Working With Recipes That Do Not Cleary Designate Fluid or Net Weight Ounces

Sometimes, you may run into a formulation or a recipe that only lists "ounces" without clearly specifying whether the measurement is intended to be in fluid ounces or net weight ounces. In such instances, look to see if the details that accompany the formulation/recipe states the total amount of product the recipe makes. If the total appears to be designated in volume (i.e. cup, pint, quart or gallon), the ounce measurements are likely intended to be in fluid ounces.

You can sometimes determine whether the formulator's intention is to use fluid ounces or net weight ounces by reviewing the measurements used for other ingredients called for in a recipe. For example, if other ingredients in the recipe call for weight measurements like pounds or grams, the ingredients specified as simply "ounces" likely are intended to be measured as net weight ounces. If in doubt for any recipe, see if you can contact the original formulator for clarification.

Recommended Reading:

Conversions & Measurements

Guide to Calculating and Working with Percentages

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Kelly Owens has been an integral part of From Nature With Love since 2014. With a diverse background spanning product qualification, customer service, and marketing, Kelly also brings extensive expertise as a highly skilled soap maker and personal care product formulator. Her deep understanding of ingredient synergy and her creative approach to formulating have made her an invaluable resource for our team and our customers.


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“In a nutshell, From Nature With Love is one of the handful companies that carries high quality products and gives excellent service. Thank you for being there and for being true to your words.”

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