Our Logo: From Nature With Love - Bringing You the Best of Nature From Around the World

Programs and Organizations That We Support

We hold an ever-growing commitment towards ecologically sound and sustainable business practices. We believe that our choices - and yours - impact every inch of this living planet.

By continuing to support like-minded conscious organizations and programs, we pursue our dream of protecting all life and healing our planet - together.

Sustainability Programs and Initiatives

Sustainability Programs and Initiatives

Our green initiatives include the following:

  • Installation and use of solar panels that provide up to 110% clean energy to our 50,000 square foot corporate headquarters. Power production is monitored, and excess power production is fed back to the grid. The system reports the number of trees saved and the CO2 emissions that have been avoided
  • Use eco-friendly LED lights to illuminate all indoor and exterior areas of our facility.
  • Initiation of recycling programs for cardboard, glass, spent oil and oil drums.
  • Sponsorship of a recycling program.
  • Use of UPS Carbon Neutral for all UPS shipments.

Company Programs

Ingredient Donations

On a case-by-case basis, we coordinate product and gift certificate donations to organizations that mirror our corporate vision.

Soap Donation Program

Through From Nature With Love, we are pleased to coordinate the receipt of donations of handcrafted soap to benefit two domestic violence shelters and one homeless shelters located in/near New York City.

Instructor Program

We support the education of aspiring artisans and the continuing education of professional artisans by offering qualified instructors and their students discounts off of our products.


We feel a strong responsibility towards the ecosystem, ecology, the health and wellness of our planet and to humanity. We stand behind the following organizations and support them with monthly financial contributions:

Animal Rights

Guide Dogs of America

Guide Dogs of America transforms lives through partnerships with service dogs. They breed, raise, and train guide dogs for individuals who are blind/visually impaired and service dogs for veterans and children with autism.

Arts and Cultural Organizations

Cultural Survival

Cultural Survival works with indigenous communities in Asia, Africa, South America, North America, and Australia, becoming the leading US-based organization defending the rights of indigenous peoples around the world.

Development and Relief Services


charity:water organizes and funds programs to deliver safe drinking water to millions of people in 26 countries that would otherwise be without clean and safe water to drink.

Doctors Without Borders

Doctors Without Borders is an independent, global movement providing medical aid where it's needed most.

Tibet Fund, The

The Tibet Fund's primary mission is to preserve the distinct cultural and national identity of the Tibetan people. Their aim is to promote self-reliance and help sustain the cohesiveness of the exile Tibetan community.


American Indian Services

American Indian Services creates programs and generates funding that helps Native Americans receive a quality education while still preserving the culture and honoring the heritage of Native Americans.

Artists For Africa, Inc.

Artists for Africa enhances the lives of children living in the most impoverished areas of Africa through arts programs and educational opportunities.

Child Foundation

Child Foundation helps children in need, who have been identified as high achievers, to remain in school. Since 1994, Child Foundation has provided basic necessities to children living in poverty or hardship. By providing access to education, Child Foundation hopes to eliminate children prematurely leaving school, and, in certain countries, early matrimony. We believe that education can move a child beyond the stigma of poverty, and give that child the tools to reach his or her true potential.

Safe House Education (S.H.E.) Fund, The

The S.H.E. Fund was inspired by the courageous and dedicated girls of the Tasaru Rescue Center in Narok, Kenya. Also known as the V-Day Safe House, the refuge was created in 2002 by Agnes Pareyio, a Maasai visionary, in collaboration with V-Day, to help Maasai girls escape the tribal traditions of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and early childhood marriage, and to provide them with primary and secondary education, a right denied women in the Maasai tradition.

Wikimedia Foundation

The Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. is dedicated to encouraging the growth, development and distribution of free, multilingual content, and to providing the full content of these wiki-based projects to the public free of charge. The Foundation operates some of the largest collaboratively edited reference projects in the world, including Wikipedia, the fourth most visited website in the world. In collaboration with a network of chapters, the Foundation provides the essential infrastructure and an organizational framework for the support and development of multilingual wiki projects and other endeavors which serve this mission.

Environmental Protection and Conservation

American Rivers

American Rivers protects wild rivers, restores damaged rivers, and conserves clean water for people and nature.

Bee Conservancy, The

The Bee Conservancy works to protect all bees and secure environmental and food justice through education, research, habitat creation, and advocacy.


Earth Justice's legal work has saved irreplaceable wildlands, cleaned up the air, and fueled the rise of 100% clean energy. It has protected countless species on the brink of extinction, and secured long-overdue, historic limits on our nation's worst polluting industries.

Rainforest Foundation US

The Rainforest Foundation helps protect the incredibly rich biological diversity of the rainforest and the cultural integrity of the peoples whose lives and livelihoods are inextricably linked to those forests. By working with indigenous communities to gain control of their ancestral lands they have helped protect 28 million acres of rainforest.

Rainforest Trust

Rainforest Trust works around the tropics to strategically purchase and protect lands vital for endangered species and indigenous communities. They specifically target the most threatened tropical habitats that are critical for preventing species extinctions and that are exceptionally rich in biological diversity.

Sierra Club Foundation

The Sierra Club Foundation promotes climate solutions, conservation, and movement building through a powerful combination of strategic philanthropy and grassroots advocacy.

Wetlands Initiative, The

The Wetlands Initiative designs, restores, and creates wetlands. They improve water quality, habitat for plants and wildlife, and the climate.

Human and Civil Rights

Equal Justice Initiative

The Equal Justice Initiative is committed to ending mass incarceration and excessive punishment in the United States, to challenging racial and economic injustice, and to protecting basic human rights for the most vulnerable people in American society.

GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders (GLAD)

Through strategic litigation, public policy advocacy, and education, Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders works in New England and nationally to create a just society free of discrimination based on gender identity and expression, HIV status, and sexual orientation.


SAGE is the world's oldest and largest non-profit agency dedicated to serving and advocating for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender seniors.

Trevor Project, The

The Trevor Project is an accredited national organization That provides crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning (LGBTQ) young people under the age of 25.

Human Services

Connecticut Foodshare

As we are located in Oxford, CT, it is important to us to not only support national organizations but to also support our local community. Connecticut Foodshare partners with food retailers, growers, financial donors, and volunteers to source food and distribute it through a network of 500 food access points that include community-based pantries, soup kitchens, shelters, and more, as well as our Mobile Pantries, Dairy Express, and Senior Supplemental Food Program.

First Nations Development Institute

First Nations serves rural and reservation based Native American communities throughout the United States.

Girls Inc.

Girls Inc. inspires all girls to be strong, smart, and bold through life-changing programs and experiences that help girls navigate gender, economic, and social barriers.


STRIVE's mission is to help people acquire the life-changing skills and attitudes needed to overcome challenging circumstances, find sustained employment, and become valuable contributors to their families, their employers, and their communities. STRIVE is committed to serving the hardest-to-employ, most at-risk individuals.

Wounded Warriors Family Support

Wounded Warriors Family Support provides support to the families of those who have been wounded, injured or killed during combat operations.

Memberships and Affiliations

United Plant Savers

United Plant Savers

United Plant Savers' mission is to protect native medicinal plants of the United States and Canada and their native habitat while ensuring an abundant renewable supply of medicinal plants for generations to come.

Alliance of International Aromatherapists

The Alliance of International Aromatherapists

The Alliance of International Aromatherapists (AIA) is a non-profit aromatherapy organization that strives to support and educate aromatherapists, practitioners and enthusiasts in the benefits and usage of essential oils. We are honored to support the AIA as a Business Member.

National Association for Holisitic Aromatherapy

The National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy

The National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy (NAHA) is a 501(c)3 member based non-profit association devoted to the holistic integration and education of aromatherapy into a wide range of complementary healthcare practices.

Handcrafted Soap and Cosmetics Guild

The Handcrafted Soap & Cosmetics Guild

Founded in 1998, The Handcrafted Soap & Cosmetic Guild (HSCG) is a non-profit 501(c)(6) trade association that serves the handcrafted soap and cosmetic industry. Based in the USA, their membership of 3,600 is primarily comprised of novice and professional artisans of handcrafted soap and cosmetics and the vendors and suppliers that serve them. The HSCG offers a wide range of key professional and educational benefits to their membership, and the HSCG is also very active in leading advocacy efforts for its members.

As vendor level members of HSCG for 20 years, From Nature With Love is honored to support their important and vital efforts. We will celebrate our 20th anniversary as a member of HSCG in October, 2021.

EPA Green Power Partner

The EPA Green Power Partnership

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) established the Green Power Partnership (GPP) in 2001 to protect human health and the environment by increasing organizations' voluntary green power use to advance the American market for green power and the development of those renewable electricity sources.

Indie Business Network

The Indie Business Network

The Indie Business Network provides entrepreneurial training and coaching to American makers and creative entrepreneurs.

Important Projects

Uncommon Scents Movie

We are thrilled and honored to continue our support of the upcoming feature-length essential oil documentary, Uncommon Scents as an associate producer. Uncommon Scents is an incredible opportunity that will help to spread the word and educate the public about the challenges that face the use, safety, sourcing and sustainability of essential oils.

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Photo of Kelly Owens

"My goal is to empower every customer with the knowledge they need to make informed and confident product decisions."

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Kelly Owens has been an integral part of From Nature With Love since 2014. With a diverse background spanning product qualification, customer service, and marketing, Kelly also brings extensive expertise as a highly skilled soap maker and personal care product formulator. Her deep understanding of ingredient synergy and her creative approach to formulating have made her an invaluable resource for our team and our customers.


“From Nature With Love historically
has the greatest selection and quality products!”

Lezlee Williams, Simple Soothings, Lincoln, NE


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