Soap Donations Wanted to Help Domestic Abuse and Homeless Shelters

From Nature With Love is pleased to help coordinate handcrafted soap donations to benefit three domestic violence shelters and one homeless shelter. The domestic violence shelters, The Prudence Crandall Center, The Umbrella, New Reach and The Center for Empowerment and Education (previously known as the Women's Center of Greater Danbury) are non-profit organizations that are dedicated to serving victims of domestic abuse. The domestic abuse shelters offer shelter and other services for adults and children that have been victims of violence and who are escaping both physical and psychological abuse. The Spooner House provides both housing to homeless individuals and families. They also provide emergency food and supplies for individuals and families with insufficient income to meet their needs.

If you are a professional artisan with experience making and selling handcrafted soaps, we would like to ask you to please consider donating several of your soaps for the benefit of the women, children and families living temporarily in these shelters. In many cases, for instance, the women and children housed within the domestic abuse shelters have suffered monumental abuse and arrive at the shelter with only the clothes on their backs. Although nothing can camouflage the pain these victims have endured, sharing products that are so necessary yet beautiful and luxurious will act as an expression of compassion.

Donator Thank You Page

For professional artisans that graciously donate soaps to benefit the individuals at these shelters, we will proudly list your name, company name and Web site address on the Soap Donator Thank You page. This page will allow us to recognize your contribution. If you have a Web site and desire to do so, you are welcome to mention your contribution(s) on your Web site and link to the Soap Donator Thank You page or to this main Soap Donation informational page.

As you may know, the number of links to your Web site originating from popular Web sites such as FNWL can help to increasing your ranking within the search engines. We hope that by linking to your site from the Soap Donator Thank You will provide added benefit to your Web site.

Donator Banner

If you have donated soaps to the program, you are welcome to copy one of the below banners, upload it to your site and use it to let your customers and Web site visitors know of your generous donation. Please only use one of these banners if you have donated soaps that meet the guidelines mentioned below.

We Give Back to the Community! I Give Back to the Community!

Do You Know Other Professional Soaper Makers That May Want to Donate?

If you know of other soap makers that may be interested in donating soaps to benefit the domestic abuse and homeless shelters, we would be grateful if you would let them know about this donation program.

Donation Guidelines

If you are considering providing a soap donation, we would like to thank you so much in advance. We ask that all donations be sent to us at the address shown below so that we may inspect the soaps for quality and ship them all at regular intervals to each shelter. Thank you for keeping the following guidelines in mind when making your donation:

  • All donations must include a completed copy of the Soap Donation Form. If you have any difficulties printing out this form, please contact We will be delighted to mail a printed copy of the form to you.

  • This program is intended for artisanal soap making businesses that produce handcrafted bars of soap for sale. We are not able to accept soap from those that have made the soaps as a new hobby or group project, have purchased the soap from someone else or have received soap as a gift.

  • All donations must be shipped to the below address. Please do not send soaps to any other FNWL address or to any of the shelters directly (so that we may save the shelter time by inspecting the soaps and coordinating regular shipments to each shelter). Only soaps sent to the below address will be eligible for recognition on the Donator Thank You Page.

    Soap Donation
    From Nature With Love
    341 Christian Street
    Oxford, CT 06478

  • Please provide bars in pre-cut bar form. Bars must be between 4 oz. - 6 oz.

  • Please send only soaps that are labeled as you would label them for retail sale in the United States. Although your donation will not be sold, it is important that the soaps be properly labeled. Marie Gale is the past president of the Handcrafted Soap & Cosmetics Guild and is an expert on soap and cosmetic labeling requirements. She has created a helpful 8-minute YouTube video that covers the requirements for soap labels: HSCG How-To: Labeling Soap with Marie Gale. The ingredients are not legally required on the label, and we certainly do not require that they be included, but it can be helpful to the recipients as some may have particular skin conditions, allergies or sensitivities to particular ingredients or scents.

  • Please do not donate soap that is rancid or that is otherwise not suitable for use. Such soaps will be discarded.

  • We are only able to accept donations of properly labeled soap bars. We are not able to accept donations of lotions, body washes and other handcrafted products.

  • The purpose of this program is to donate lovely, handcrafted soaps. Commercial products and detergent bars sealed in their original packaging will be accepted and given to the shelters, but we are not able to recognize such donations via the Donator Thank You Page.

  • Thank you for understanding that soaps that do not meet the above guidelines will not be eligible for recognition on the Soap Donator Thank You Page, and the soaps will have to be discarded.

Please Note: If the time comes when we receive more soaps than are needed by the shelters, we will seek out additional shelters to give the donated soaps to.

Please remember to include a completed copy of the Soap Donation Form with your donation. Thank you!

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Photo of Kelly Owens

"My goal is to empower every customer with the knowledge they need to make informed and confident product decisions."

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Kelly Owens has been an integral part of From Nature With Love since 2014. With a diverse background spanning product qualification, customer service, and marketing, Kelly also brings extensive expertise as a highly skilled soap maker and personal care product formulator. Her deep understanding of ingredient synergy and her creative approach to formulating have made her an invaluable resource for our team and our customers.


“Your company continues to impress me with the level of customer service, products and compassion.”

“Your company continues to impress me with the level of customer service, products and compassion. You have beat out all other suppliers in this industry for me. Consider me a loyal customer for life.”

Gina Brunette, Kiel, WI


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