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Good Manufacturing Practices for Soap and Cosmetic Handcrafters by Marie Gale

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Author: Marie Gale
Publisher: Cinnabar Press
Copyright: 2013
Number of Pages: 184
ISBN: 0979594545 / 978-0979594540
Price: $24.95

From the Back Cover:

Most people who make handcrafted soaps and cosmetics do so because they want better, safer or more natural products and have a personal passion for what they are doing. They are conscientious in their selection of suppliers and raw materials, creative in their formulations, careful in their production and, in the end, proud of the finished products. They have control over every phase and aspect of the production cycle, from beginning to end, and are frequently hands-on during the entire process.

Large companies, with many employees involved in manufacturing tens or hundreds of thousands of product units at a time, don't have that same level of "hands-on" or personal passion. With increased levels of automation and numerous people in the process comes increased possibility for mix-ups or contamination of products-hence the need for detailed and exact procedures that can be double-checked and documented throughout the manufacturing cycle. Out of that need comes the concept of "good manufacturing practices".

Establishing and then following good manufacturing practices in your business is like having and using a GPS navigator to get around town. No matter how familiar you are with the streets, it takes a lot less effort to just follow the directions. The trick, of course, is having all the necessary information in the navigator to start with. That's what GMP is all about-setting up the navigation system for your production and manufacturing, so you can avoid the potholes and steer clear of the factors that could potentially wreck your product.

It is my hope that this book will dispel some of the fear and anxiety about good manufacturing practices and provide you with practical advice about establishing good manufacturing practices that work for you, in your individual situation. As each piece of your GMP is put in place, you'll find it becomes increasingly easy to consistently produce the unique, high-quality handcrafted soap and cosmetics that you and your customers expect-every product, every batch, every time.

Marie Gale

About the Author:

Marie Gale is a self-professed computer geek who actually likes reading laws, statutes, regulations, court cases and old books. She probably would have been a lawyer or a chemist has things worked out differently. As it is, in 1998 she started making and selling handcrafted soap and cosmetics. Her tendency toward research of all kinds, led her to delving into labeling regulations, resulting in her book "Soap and Cosmetic Labeling" (2008). Involvement with the community of soap and cosmetic handcrafters and seeing the need for good manufacturing practices, brought about her book "Good Manufacturing Practices for Handcrafters" (2012). Her love of old books became the driving force behind her extensive library of antique and vintage books about the making and use soap and cosmetics, particularly those products made with natural ingredients. Wanting to share at least some of the amazing recipes available in her library, Marie published "300 Years of Natural Soap & Cosmetic Recipes" (2011). In 2015, Marie left it to the next generation to manage her family's timber ranch and set off to travel the country with the man of her life. During the time of the road, Marie continues to be active in the handcrafted soap and cosmetic community, doing website programming, and researching her family tree.

Table of Contents:

  • List of Abbreviations
  • Preface
  • Introduction
  • Part 1: Getting to Know GMP
  • Chapter 1: Protecting Your Passion
  • Chapter 2: What Are "Good Manufacturing Practices"?
  • Chapter 3: Where Do GMP Standards Come From?
  • Part 2: Documentation Basics
  • Chapter 4: Documentation Standards
  • Chapter 5: Files, Records & Archives
  • Part 3: Procedures
  • Chapter 6: Standard Operating Procedures
  • Chapter 7: Equipment
  • Chapter 8: Premises
  • Chapter 9: Personnel & Organization
  • Part 4: Ingredients & Packaging Materials
  • Chapter 10: Ingredients & Materials
  • Chapter 11: Specification Sheets
  • Chapter 12: Incoming Materials
  • Chapter 13: Storage & Inventory
  • Chapter 14: Water Quality
  • Part 5: Production & Manufacturing
  • Chapter 15: Making Your Products
  • Chapter 16: Ingredients & Materials
  • Chapter 17: Specification Sheets
  • Chapter 18: Incoming Materials
  • Part 6: Quality Control
  • Chapter 19: Quality Control
  • Chapter 20: Returns, Complaints & Recalls
  • Chapter 21: Subcontracting
  • Part 7: Getting Started
  • Chapter 22: Most Important First
  • Chapter 23: Taking It Step-By-Step
  • Chapter 24: Final Notes
  • Appendix A: Suggested SOPs
  • Glossary
  • References
  • Index

Origin: USA

  each, $24.75 *

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Kelly Owens has been an integral part of From Nature With Love since 2014. With a diverse background spanning product qualification, customer service, and marketing, Kelly also brings extensive expertise as a highly skilled soap maker and personal care product formulator. Her deep understanding of ingredient synergy and her creative approach to formulating have made her an invaluable resource for our team and our customers.


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