HempHemp (Cannabis sativa) The hemp plant is one of the most economically useful plants because every part of the plant can be used and multiple crops can be harvested annually from a single field. The seeds of the hemp plant yield a non narcotic oil that is made up of 81% poly-unsaturated essential fatty acids of EFAs necessary for the metabolism of healthy skin. Due to this unusually high content of EFAs, hemp seeds are used in a variety of health food preparations and the oil is being used more and more in the nutraceutical and cosmeceutical industries. Hemp seed oil can be used at a rate of 5-20% in soaps, lotions, creams, balms, lotion bars etc. Hemp fiber is becoming popular in the textile industry due to economic and environmental concerns. Compared to cotton, hemp produces twice as much fiber per acre. While cotton typically requires significant amounts of pesticide spraying, hemp requires none. Hemp does not need as much water as cotton and can grow in almost any temperate or tropical climate. The fiber from hemp is 10 times stronger than cotton and can be used to make all types of clothing. |
“Thank you for being so dependable.”
“I order quite a bit. I just want you guys to know, I think you run an awesome business. I have always been happy with your product and how fast you deliver. Thank you. I ordered some oil yesterday and had it shipped over night. I was wondering if you would have it processed and shipped that day and I just tracked down my order and it will be here today. Thank you for being so dependable.”
Angie Christian, Sat, TX