Join Us in Celebrating Our 27th Anniversary!
Save 15% Sitewide During Our Customer Appreciation Sale
Use Code THANKS27 With Minimum $49 Order
Offer includes bulk sizes and items already on sale!
Also automatically earn FNWL Rewards valued at 10% of your merchandise subtotal.
Sale ends September 25, 2024 at 12:00 p.m. Eastern Time and excludes shipping and taxes.
Thank you to every one of our wonderful customers for 27 amazing years in business!
Custom Soap MakersWe have received numerous requests from retailers and other businesses that are interested in finding soap makers that will accept custom soap orders. Below are a list of our valued customers that have indicated that they accept custom soap orders. Please note that From Nature With Love is not able to endorse or recommend any particular soap maker or company. We provide this list for information purposes as a courtesy to visitors and our customers.
Affordable Parties & Gifts
Back Porch Soap Co.
Cheeky Maiden Soap Co.
Heavenly Rose Aromatherapy
Ipswich Bay Soap
Marti's Soap
A Wild Soap Bar If you are a current, regular customer of From Nature With Love and accept custom soap orders, please e-mail In the subject line, please enter "Custom Soap Makers List." Within your e-mail message, please request to be on the list, and include the name that you use when placing orders with us. Also include the contact information that you would like supplied with your listing (i.e. your full name, company name, mailing address, telephone number, fax number, e-mail address and Web site address). Thank you for understanding that From Nature With Love reserves the right to determine whether any customer is considered to be a current, regular customer. From Nature With Love must also reserve the right to politely decline a listing to any individual/business if FNWL finds it appropriate, in its own opinion, to do so. |
“Thank you for being so dependable.”
“I order quite a bit. I just want you guys to know, I think you run an awesome business. I have always been happy with your product and how fast you deliver. Thank you. I ordered some oil yesterday and had it shipped over night. I was wondering if you would have it processed and shipped that day and I just tracked down my order and it will be here today. Thank you for being so dependable.”
Angie Christian, Sat, TX