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Instructor Directory - Massage

Carollanne Crichton
Guilford, CT   06437
(203) 453-1445
Description: Solavedi Ayurveda Formulary in Guilford CT is the home studio workshop of nationally recognized teacher and body therapist Carollanne Crichton. Class sizes are very small offering ample personalized learning opportunities.
Curriculum Taught: Aromatherapy General Well-Being Herbal Medicine Massage Perfumery Skin Care Other

Loree Kennedy
0-11279 Tallmadge Woods Dr
Grand Rapids, MI   49534
(616) 791-0472
Description: In 2007 Institute of Sanative Arts ISA was born to bring a unique style of massage to West Michigan and fill a void in training. With the firm belief that massage is truly an art, ISA believes in learning to massage to the bodies individual needs.
Curriculum Taught: Massage Skin Care

Kristina Balish
Swartz Creek, MI   48473
(810) 938-4668
Description: BS-Psychology Univ MI MA Counseling. 11 yrs. at FSTM- MI. Nat'l Certified Massage therapist & Certified Massage Therapy Instructor, RYI Yoga Instructor, Belavi Specialist. Teach state licensed CMT & spa. Approved provider-Continuing Ed. -NCTMB
Curriculum Taught: Aromatherapy General Well-Being Massage Skin Care Other

Marla Bosworth
PO Box 1408
Duxbury, MA   02331
(791) 934-8100
Description: University of New Hampshire, Market Research Analyst, 15 Years of Teaching and Formulating, Graduate of Cosmetic Chemistry Courses
Curriculum Taught: Aromatherapy Candle Making General Well-Being Hair Care Herbal Medicine Massage Nutrition Perfumery Skin Care Soap Making

Cha Roberts
Ithaca, NY   14850
(607) 331-6076
Description: Our exciting and intensive, in person, 235-hour Aromatherapy Certification Program is a deep dive for all levels w/ hands on blending activities and practical knowledge. This NAHA approved school, prepares students to sit for the ARC exam.
Curriculum Taught: Aromatherapy General Well-Being Hair Care Herbal Medicine Massage Skin Care Other

Ajita  Patel
505 W. First St.
Tustin , CA   92780
(714) 617-4593
Description: Dr. Ajita Patel, is an Ayurvedic Doctor, runs an Ayurveda and Panchakarma clinic at the Sanctuary Wellness Center in Tustin and is a founder of the Institute of Ayurvedic Medicine training Ayurveda practitioners.
Curriculum Taught: Aromatherapy General Well-Being Hair Care Herbal Medicine Massage Nutrition Skin Care Other

Instructor Directory Categories:
Aromatherapy | Candle Making | General Well-Being | Hair Care | Herbal Medicine
Massage | Nutrition | Perfumery | Skin Care | Soap Making | Other


By accessing the Instructor Directory, you agree to the following:

The Instructor Directory is a service intended to help students connect with professional instructors. From Nature With Love does endorse any of the instructors that appear in the directory. The descriptions for each instructor were provided directly by the instructor. By using this directory, you agree to not hold From Nature With Love responsible for your decision to contact or enroll with any instructor, institution or organization that is listed in the directory. It is the responsibility of everyone that uses this directory to thoroughly research and verify the credentials of any instructor, institution or organization that you may enroll or conduct business with.

Additional Ways to Find Professional Level Instructors and Schools

The following links lead to a small selection of school and educator directories offered by professional organizations based in the United States:

Alliance of International Aromatherapists Recognized Schools

American Massage Therapy Association School Members

Handcrafted Soap and Cosmetic Guild Teachers

National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy List of Approved Schools

Are You an Instructor?

If you are an instructor that teaches within the categories shown above, learn how you can apply to From Nature With Love's Instructor Program.

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Kelly Owens has been an integral part of From Nature With Love since 2014. With a diverse background spanning product qualification, customer service, and marketing, Kelly also brings extensive expertise as a highly skilled soap maker and personal care product formulator. Her deep understanding of ingredient synergy and her creative approach to formulating have made her an invaluable resource for our team and our customers.


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