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Annatto Powder Extract, Water Soluble Colorant

Annatto Powder Extract, Water Soluble Colorant

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Annatto Water Soluble Powdered Extract is derived from the colorful seeds of a tropical tree commonly known as the achiote tree. This natural extract is a beautiful, deep sunset shade of orange. It produces a range of warm orange hues when incorporated into soaps, lotions, creams, gels, spritzes, bath salts and other personal care products.

For Soapmaking Applications:

Several factors, including the base color of your formulation, will affect the final color achieved when using this extract.

The final result will also depend on which phase the extract is added to. Therefore, we recommend experimenting by creating different one-pound test batches so that you can compare the results achieved by adding the extract directly to the oil phase, steeping the extract in the lye solution and adding the extract to the combined phases at trace.

In our one-pound test batch, we found that adding 1 level tablespoon of dry extract directly to the water prior to adding lye yielded a bright carrot-orange hue which cured to a mellower carrot-orange hue after four weeks. Our uncolored control batch was a light off-white shade after curing for four weeks.

For Other Cosmetic and Personal Care Applications:

Annatto Water Soluble Powdered Extract is a permissible color additive (exempt from certification by the FDA) and can be used as a natural, herbal colorant in personal care formulations. We recommend doing several test batches to find the ideal usage rate for your product. Use alone or in combination with other colorants or color-imparting botanical extracts to achieve the desired color. Colors and color intensity may vary depending upon pH levels and possible interactions with other ingredients.

Please Note: Monitors vary in the way that they render colors. The color of this product may differ slightly from the color that you see on your monitor screen.

Origin: France
INCI: Bixa Orellana (Annatto) Seed Extract (and) Maltodextrin
Extraction Method: Extracted in Water, Filtered, Concentrated and Dried
Typical Shelf Life*: 3 Years

*Typical Shelf Life begins on the date of manufacture and is defined as the typical shelf life of an ingredient when it is stored and handled properly. The Typical Shelf Life is offered as a general guideline. It should not be considered to be an expiration date. Many ingredients are usable beyond the stated date, especially when stored and handled very carefully.

Color Suggestions:
We recommend pairing this ingredient with the following colors:

Color PeachPeach
Color OrangeOrange
Color Burnt OrangeBurnt Orange
Color YellowYellow
Search Color Palette

Documents: Safety Data Sheet   Specifications  

We're sorry, this item is presently out of stock.

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  1 wt oz, $14.63 Temporarily Out of Stock
  2 wt oz, $26.94 Temporarily Out of Stock
  4 wt oz, $49.38 Temporarily Out of Stock
  8 wt oz, $90.52 Temporarily Out of Stock
  1 lb, $164.47 * Temporarily Out of Stock
  5 lbs, $740.21 * Temporarily Out of Stock

We apologize but all sizes of this product are temporarily out of stock, please click the link next to the size to be notified by email when the product is again available.

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Kelly Owens has been an integral part of From Nature With Love since 2014. With a diverse background spanning product qualification, customer service, and marketing, Kelly also brings extensive expertise as a highly skilled soap maker and personal care product formulator. Her deep understanding of ingredient synergy and her creative approach to formulating have made her an invaluable resource for our team and our customers.


“I must say that your company has the absolute best customer service I have come across.”

“Thank you for looking into the detailed questions that I had. I must say that your company has the absolute best customer service I have come across. Thanks for all your support, and quick responses, as well as your large array of high quality products. You have me as a customer for life. I tell all whom I talk to in the bath/soap business about FNWL. Looking forward to years of service.”

Kassi Thompson, Kassi's Spa Kreations, Yakima, WA


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