Papaya Milk Fragrance Oil (Reformulated)

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Papaya Milk Fragrance Oil captures the mouthwatering aroma of of creamy sweetness and tart fruit. Reminiscent of a fresh tropical smoothie, this delicious smelling fragrance is an exotic treat.

Our Papaya Milk Fragrance Oil has been reformulated. If you have used our previous version of this fragrance, your formulation ratios may need to be adjusted slightly. Please refer to our IFRA guidelines for maximum usage rates.

Please Note: This ingredient contains Vanillin or Ethyl Vanillin (vanilla extract). It can cause formulations to turn light tan or brown.  This ingredient may crystallize in cold temperatures. Gently warm it to room temperature, and the crystals will disappear.  This fragrance oil does not contain phthalates (DEP).

Origin: USA
INCI: Fragrance
Typical Shelf Life*: 2 Years

*Typical Shelf Life begins on the date of manufacture and is defined as the typical shelf life of an ingredient when it is stored and handled properly. The Typical Shelf Life is offered as a general guideline. It should not be considered to be an expiration date. Many ingredients are usable beyond the stated date, especially when stored and handled very carefully.

Color Suggestions:
We recommend pairing this ingredient with the following colors:

Color PeachPeach
Color OrangeOrange
Color IvoryIvory
Search Color Palette

Documents: Safety Data Sheet   Specifications  

Wholesale Pricing: [wholesale pricing info]
  1 fl oz, $12.55
  2 fl oz, $18.81
  4 fl oz, $32.40
  8 fl oz, $55.17
  16 fl oz, $93.53
  1 gal, $678.76
  11 lbs, $893.18 ^
  22 lbs, $1,586.85 ^

^This item will ship separately.

UPS Surcharge of $0.00 will be added to this item.

“Thank you for being so dependable.”

“I order quite a bit. I just want you guys to know, I think you run an awesome business. I have always been happy with your product and how fast you deliver. Thank you. I ordered some oil yesterday and had it shipped over night. I was wondering if you would have it processed and shipped that day and I just tracked down my order and it will be here today. Thank you for being so dependable.”

Angie Christian, Sat, TX


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