4.6 ML Pipette Dropper

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These pipettes are 154.9 mm long and have a 4.6 ml capacity with a 3.3 ml draw. Pipettes are wonderful for dispensing essential oils, fluid CO2 supercritical extracts, fragrance oils, hydrosols, carrier oils, liquid pigments and other small volume ingredients drop by drop.

This pipette dropper style is not suitable for measuring. For pipettes suitable for measuring, please try our 7.5 ml or 15 ml pipettes.

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We're sorry that this item is out of stock. A similar item that may interest you is our 1.7 ML Pipette Dropper.

  each, $0.35 Temporarily Out of Stock
  25 Pack, $6.25 Temporarily Out of Stock
  100 pack, $23.99 * Temporarily Out of Stock

We apologize but all sizes of this product are temporarily out of stock, please click the link next to the size to be notified by email when the product is again available.

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