Natural Bleached Sea Sponge, 4 inch

Natural Bleached Sea Sponge, 4 inch

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Average Rating: Product Rating 5
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Our 4" Natural Bleached Sea Sponges are absorbant, durable and offer natural, gentle exfoliation. They are perfect for cleansing the entire body. Sea sponges are generally brown in color. Our Natural Bleached Sea Sponges have been bleached to given them an attractive golden color. Natural Bleached Sea Sponges look beautiful in gift baskets.

Wholesale Pricing: [wholesale pricing info]
  each, $5.10
  Case/12, $56.10 *
  Carton/100, $425.00 * ^

*This item does not qualify for any promotional discounts.

^This item will ship separately.

Customer Ratings and Reviews

Average Rating: 5 stars  

Rating: 5 stars 5 out of 5

Reviewed By: Candace

Posted: Thursday, December 1, 2022

Location: Front Royal, VA

Comments: I love these sea sponges! They fit right in with my sea themed soap and bath business. They are beautiful and long lasting. My customers compliment me for having them.

Total Number of Ratings: 1

“Thank you for being so dependable.”

“I order quite a bit. I just want you guys to know, I think you run an awesome business. I have always been happy with your product and how fast you deliver. Thank you. I ordered some oil yesterday and had it shipped over night. I was wondering if you would have it processed and shipped that day and I just tracked down my order and it will be here today. Thank you for being so dependable.”

Angie Christian, Sat, TX


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