Blue Glimmer Mica Powder

Blue Glimmer Mica Powder

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Particle Size: 10-125

Lips Eyes Soap

Mica Safety Key:
Y = Yes (Safe to Use For This Purpose)
N = No (Do Not Use For This Purpose)

Origin: USA
INCI: Mica, Titaninum Dioxide and Tin Oxide

We're sorry, this item is presently out of stock.

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We're sorry that this item is out of stock. A similar item that may interest you is our Red Glimmer Mica Powder.

  1 wt oz, $16.83 Temporarily Out of Stock
  2 wt oz, $25.89 Temporarily Out of Stock
  4 wt oz, $39.83 Temporarily Out of Stock
  8 wt oz, $61.27 Temporarily Out of Stock
  1 lb, $98.03 * Temporarily Out of Stock
  5 lbs, $343.12 * Temporarily Out of Stock

We apologize but all sizes of this product are temporarily out of stock, please click the link next to the size to be notified by email when the product is again available.

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“I've been a FNWL customer for years and the company just gets better and BETTER! Great customer service, feedback is respected, durable packaging, fast delivery, and high quality, extensive product variety. I'm so glad FNWL exists and pleased that it continues to do well. And I like that it's owned by a family and not a big conglomerate. There are many more companies now than when I first began ordering that provide similar products, but I'm very happy with my sure bet. Everyone whom I've recommended FNWL to has remained repeat customers, too.”

Dana Scott, Philadelphia, PA


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