Oily skin/acne soap
Printed from the FREE Recipe Database offered
by From Nature With Love
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Soap for acne or oily prone skin
Makes 2 lbs.
6 oz distilled water
6 oz aloe vera gel
2 oz castor oil
4 oz cocoa butter
4 oz coconut oil
12 oz olive oil
5 oz palm oil
5 oz palm kernal flakes
4.4 oz lye
2.5 Tablespoons bentonite clay or other drawing clays
1 oz essential oil/blend
These EO's are known for healing and preventing acne so choose one of a combination of them.
Familiarize yourself with standard procedures for cold process soap making.
Mix water and aloe vera in a heat safe bowl, add lye, stir until dissolved. Set aside to cool.
Weigh out and melt all oils in a double boiler and stir in the clay. Remove from heat. Cool oils and lye mixture down to about 110-120 degrees. Slowly combine lye and oils, stirring with stick blender until you get a light trace. Add your essential oils and then pour into your mold.
Please Note: Most of the recipes included in the Recipe Database have been generously submitted by our customers. We are not able to test each recipe, and we cannot guarantee the results that you may obtain. The recipes are meant to be used as a guideline and source of inspiration, so please experiment in small batches. For soap recipes that include lye, please be sure to check lye calculations prior to trying the recipes. If you find that a recipe has not been calculated properly, please let us know.
Printed on 3/31/2025.